Monday, May 14, 2012

Spring Show Part 1

I told Morgan she needed to think of a name for her business to give people something to identify with. We can use it in advertising and events we are in.  She thought about it for a day or two and decided to use this:  Bobodean's.  Where did that come from you ask?  Brandon was little when she was born and instead of calling her Morgan Jeanne he could only say Bobodean.  It's been one of her many nick names through the years.  It will work out better than Maggie Toot the Millie Moot.

The Apple Pies were especially delicious with almond and brown sugar in the crust.  I have been collecting tart tins for years and always thought they would be cute with candies in them.  Morgan made some chocolate and orange truffles and Maple Walnut Fudge.  When we put them together they looked fancy.  We made a pretty display and hoped for a good sale.  For the first attempt she did pretty well.  We have big plans for our Shabulous show in October.  More yummy goodies in the fall.

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